Status Entry 2019
Headquarters Antwerp
Industry Digital marketing agency
Website 62miles.be
Contact Stefaan Vanquaethem, Maxime Maertens

Geert Bogaert, CEO

“Thanks to Vectis as a partner, we can accelerate our growth strategy. We are convinced of the sector potential; Vectis offers us the necessary expertise and capital to realise our ambitious plans. There’s a connection: we look at the market in the same way.”

Company profile

What started as the Onlyhumans group is now called 62MILES. An independent Belgian group on the rise, supported by Vectis Private Equity.

62MILES consists of 7 acclaimed agencies: mortierbrigade (integrated communications), Fantastic (employer branding), Onlyhumans (online content & performance), Today (branding), Who Owns The Zebra (digital studio – web & apps) and meetmarcel (live experiences). Today, the group employs 220 talents and counting.